Leslie Hammond -30 FOOT 6 PIN CABLE - orignal 1950's tone cab


For Sale: Very heavy duty 6 pin cable that came with a 1950's Hammond BC and matching tone cabinet. Approx. 31' long.

Tested with the BC and matching tone cab- worked perfectly. The thick rubber outer insulation is a bit dirty/dusty but don't see any breaks or issues with it. About 6' or so of the wiring has been wrapped with a gold color tape but does not appear to have been done to cover any flaws or for repair. Both male and female plug ends look to be in good shape. The plugs are metal type but have the same type of pins as new Bakelite/plastic type Leslie speaker plugs as I was able to attach both male and female ends onto a newer 30' cable from Leslie 120 that I am also selling.

Email for additional and/or higher resolution photos.

Send your zip code for a ship estimate - should be between $10.99 and $19.99 if you are in lower 48 US states. (Sept. 2018).

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